Francois Boucher was a bright representative of the French Rococo. He held a high post under King Louis XV, was “the first artist of the king,” and, being very fashionable, enjoyed the patronage of Madame de Pompadour. In 1734 he became a member of the Paris Academy, and in 1765 – its director.
A special place in the artist’s work was occupied by applied art. He created sketches for tapestries, panels, porcelain utensils, was engaged in the production of theatrical scenery, book illustrations, drawings of fans, wallpapers, clocks, etc. In a word, he was actively engaged in interior design. Being “the first artist of the king,” it was Boucher who determined the style of furniture, dishes, clothes of Louis XV.
Feature of the creative manner of the artist was pretentiousness, excessive refinement, the desire to escape from reality. It was this that determined Bush’s predilection for pastoral paintings that depict the idyllic world of rural shepherds and cowherd boys, and mythological subjects whose heroes were beautiful nymphs and young gods. But in all this was visible contortion. The shepherdesses and nymphs depicted by the artist are all the same Parisians dressed in a shepherd’s outfit or ancient Greek tunic.